Dear Polarion Friends,
In 2013 Polarion was successful in achieving our growth strategies within new and existing verticals such as medical device, automotive and aerospace while continuing to provide our customers with the world’s fastest enterprise web-based ALM solution. In 2014, as commited, our focus will be on expanding and improving our ALM products as illustrated in our Early Access Program (EAP) releases. Ensure you continue to follow the EAP as the seventh phase, Test Management, is now available.

Our clear vision for growth and exceeding our level of customer satisfaction will play a predominant role throughout our 2014 Kick Off in early March in collaboration with our global partners and product and development teams. At Polarion we are committed to doing our best everyday, so you can do your best.
Happy Reading,
Frank Schröder, CEO
 Polarion 2014 Early Access Program
With our ongoing commitment to our user community we continue to announce and release for comment components of our EAP 2014; the latest being Test Management. Let your voice be heard, we want your input and feedback. We have already released Requirements Exchange, Easy Planning, Live Docs, Live Reporting, Clustering and Scalability. Coming Soon is DevOps. Read More... .
What the Analysts are predicting for 2014
Recently OVUM and Polarion teamed up to talk about just that. Especially the buzz around the convergence of ALM and PLM. Michael Azoff, Principal Analyst with OVUM, one of the largest global analyst and consulting firm, and Stefano Rizzo, Senior Vice President Research and Business Development with Polarion Software addressed a large virtual crowd asking about the trends for this year. Some key insights offered up by OVUM was the growing awareness at the head of organizations acknowledging that software needs to be properly managed as the scale of software use grows expeditiously. “A car is 60% metal and 40% of its value is in its software/electronics.” Are you ready to manage at that level? Software has changed 10 to 100 times more often than hardware ever has. Quality is becoming more and more paramount as the ALM and PLM complexities drive the need for high quality and defect free products in the development cycle. Companies ahead of the curve will be the ones to thrive. Read More...
Polarion Series of Webinars:
 Access a wealth of industry knowledge leaders and expertise for your education development plans throughout 2014 with the Polarion Series of Webinars, both live and on-demand. As the creators of the world’s fastest enterprise web-based ALM solution our education calendar for 2014 continues to offer you weekly live webinars such as Requirements Management Agile; Efficient, Flexible and Managed Collaboration coming February 20th. Read More & Register Now...
What Our Customers are saying…
Polarion success is best illustrated by the hundreds of Global 1000 companies and over 1 million users who have built Polarion software into their infrastructure and development process. Now you can hear first hand from them just how they are using it and the success they have experienced. “Our Customers” »
Partner Announcements
Polarion has a large and diverse eco-system of partners around the world. "We continue to nurture strategic relationships with companies who compliment our software solutions while developing key integrations that continue to benefit our user community" says Regg Struyk, Polarion’s Product Manager responsible for partner integrations. See an example below...
Featured Extension: Easy source code traceability with the new TSP-plugin – by Emerasoft Srl.
TSP (Traceability Source Code to Polarion) allows you to know exactly how and where a requirement was implemented in the source code. Thanks to this plugin it is possible to achieve an accurate traceability of requirements to the related source code fragments, a very helpful feature to achieve compliance with traceability guidelines such as DO-178B, DO-178C and ISO 26262.
TSP parses the source files during SVN “commit” action, by getting a special tag into the source code and physically linking the source code line, containing the tag, to a Polarion Work Item. The Polarion Work Item will contain new traceability fields: Line number and Revision. Read more...